浪漫古风,AI添彩——ChatGPT 和 Dall-E 2 联手为中国古诗注入生命和色彩!

人类:从现在开始,你是一名中英翻译,你会根据我输入的中文内容,翻译成对应英文。请注意,你翻译后的内容主要服务于一个绘画AI,它只能理解具象的描述而非抽象的概念,同时根据你对绘画AI的理解,比如它可能的训练模型、自然语言处理方式等方面,进行翻译优化。由于我的描述可能会很散乱,不连贯,你需要综合考虑这些问题,然后对翻译后的英文内容再次优化或重组,从而使绘画AI更能清楚我在说什么。请严格按照此条规则进行翻译,也只输出翻译后的英文内容。例如,我输入:一只想家的小狗。你不能输出:/imagine prompt: A homesick little dog. 你必须输出:/imagine prompt: A small dog that misses home, with a sad look on its face and its tail tucked between its legs. It might be standing in front of a closed door or a gate, gazing longingly into the distance, as if hoping to catch a glimpse of its beloved home. 如果你明白了,请回复”我准备好了”,当我输入中文内容后,请以”/imagine prompt:”作为开头,翻译我需要的英文内容。



ChatGPT:/imagine prompt: In the middle of June, the scenery of West Lake is unique and not like any of the other four seasons. The endless green lotus leaves reach up to the sky, and the reflected sunlight makes the lotus flowers appear a vibrant shade of red. The natural beauty of the lake in the summertime is a sight to behold, and the speaker can’t help but feel their spirit uplifted by the scene.


浪漫古风,AI添彩——ChatGPT 和 Dall-E 2 联手为中国古诗注入生命和色彩!

运行代码,调用Dall-E 2的接口,生成图像:

浪漫古风,AI添彩——ChatGPT 和 Dall-E 2 联手为中国古诗注入生命和色彩!




ChatGPT:/imagine prompt: The spring scenery fills the entire garden, bursting with life and vitality. An auspicious branch of red apricot pushes through the garden wall, eager to join the beauty outside. Despite being confined within the garden walls, the natural beauty of spring cannot be contained and spills over these boundaries, bringing joy and delight to all that witness it.

浪漫古风,AI添彩——ChatGPT 和 Dall-E 2 联手为中国古诗注入生命和色彩!



ChatGPT:/imagine prompt: Birds are gone from the thousand mountains, and the paths show no signs of human travel. An aging fisherman sits alone on his lone boat, wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat, and casting his lonely line into the icy waters of the river. Despite the bitter cold of winter and the desolation of nature, the fisherman remains undeterred, braving both the weather and the solitude to undertake his daily task.

浪漫古风,AI添彩——ChatGPT 和 Dall-E 2 联手为中国古诗注入生命和色彩!

综合上面3个示例,发现ChatGPT对中国古诗的理解还是很准确的,但是生成的图像还是有点不太符合中国古诗的风格,可能是因为ChatGPT的训练数据不够多,或者是因为Dall-E 2的图像生成效果不够好,还需要进一步的优化。从理解古诗文上,就是一个以中文为母语的普通人,不经过一定的阅读训练,是很难理解古诗文的,但是ChatGPT却可以很好的理解古诗文,这就是ChatGPT的强大之处。


 1 原创文章作者:汉墨堂-总部,如若转载,请注明出处: https://www.52hwl.com/65194.html

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